Highland Coos

Highland Coos
I love a Highland Coo!
They have such Character and always seem so inquisitive and gentle.
Here are some of my favourites, starting with my newest.
Most have now gone to their new homes around the world but if you would like to enquire about one or order your own original or print then please get in touch.
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- A little birdy told me
- Beeautiful
- Berry Nice!
- love you too final final
- Jacob
- Freckle
- DSC_0192 (2)
- Whats Going On
- Wee Gem
- Tufty
- Frosty Coo (2)
- Trio
- Iza
- Strath Coo
- Kilmore
- Flora
- Snowy Coo
- Handsome Harry
- Purple Haze
- Murphy
- Just Waiting
- Jessie also known as Buttercup
- Windy Day
- Hungry Coo
- Hilda
- Highlander
- Highland Heather
- Gille nan Gleann - Boy of the Glen
- Geordie
- Fergus Sunshine
- Fergus in the Winter
- Donald
- Did you say Food
- Dark Boy
- Cutie Coo
- Breezy Days