It’s Not All Woolly Coos and Crofts!

It’s Not All Woolly Coos and Crofts!
Although the majority of my art features Coos (Cows) and crofts, I love all nature and when time allows, or through customer requests, I like to work on different subjects. Hares are very popular, although not often seen in the north of Scotland, Flowers, birds and sheep however are seen in abundance and are loved by customers.
If there is anything you think would be nice to add to my collection of images then please do let me know.
Occasionally I also like to work in different mediums, acrylic painting being my favourite, usually on an evening during the winter months I can be found in a corner somewhere with a canvas and a palette of paint. Some examples of these paintings can be seen here.
To view full images in lightbox format just click on any image

- Affric Stag 2
- Affric Stag
- Blue Tit on Blossom
- Bluebell Hare
- Caithness Sheep
- Close up of Affric Stag
- Close up of Daisy Hare
- Close up of Stag's eye
- Coming Down
- Daisy Loch
- Daisy Mouse
- Fergus
- Forever Yours
- Going Home
- Hare 1
- Harris
- Hello
- Jenny's Pansy
- Just Dandy
- Lavender
- Lewis
- Lone Hare
- Meadow
- Pansy
- Pastel Hare
- Poppies
- Scottish Thistle
- Scratch Coo
- Snow Robin
- Snowy Robin
- Sunset Thistle
- Thistle Hare
- Thistle
- Watchful Chaffinch
- Wee Mouse
- Wee Robin
- Blue Tits Breakfast
- Blue Tits on a Wire
- Dark Thistle
- Greedy Coo
- Close up of Pastel Hare